Our company is focused on libraries since its beginning. We started with bar code printing and cover systems, later we added development of the library and information system and implemented standards.
Our leading product is an integrated library system, called Rapid Library earlier, currently it is Advanced Rapid Library (ARL). It helps to ease the automation of libraries, museums, galleries, archives or other information centers. Automation tasks include cataloging, acquisitions and subscriptions, indexing journal articles and linking to them, checking-out and checking-in books, generating statistics and reports, as well as tracking interlibrary loans.
Our company implements the ARL system and offers support and annual upgrades according to the contract. The system is intended to help to manage collections of all sizes (from small company libraries to huge academic academic library collections).
It was us who first introduced the use of RFID technology in libraries in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic. Later we extended our offer, we added more products for libraries, like paper shredders, bar code printers, variable book cover systems, etc. We grew into company that offers libraries everything they need – not just to exist but to fulfill their mission: to serve the patrons, build the library collection and create tools to support research.
We were the pioneers in implementing the Z39.50 protocol in Czech Republic and Slovakia, which is currently widely used in libraries. We helped with building the National Union Catalog in the Czech Republic, and until now, libraries contribute to the national authority files (names and subjects) using Z39.50 protocol. We were there, when the Methodology of Research and Publication activity evidence (EPCA) was created and the documentation for Art Activities Evidence was processed in cooperation with The Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava. Much more on this topic is in section Projects.
We are aware of the fact that information technologies not only change the processing tools, but also erase the boundaries among the memory institutions and enable cooperation and interoperability among them. We are helping to implement standards in museums and in the future we plan to initiate cooperation with galleries and archives as well.