Looking back at the Library of Convergence 2024 conference
Category : News
This year, we participated in the conference “Libraries of the Present” with two contributions. The author of both was Ing. Libor Piškula, who is the head of the development department. Perhaps because of this, he conceived his first presentation entitled “Technology and its reflection in libraries” in the opening block of the first day rather visionary and thought about the future of e-books and their potential unlimited availability. Although some of the present librarians were not very fond of his ideas, which we understand, the main topic was intended primarily to reflect on the current trend of modern technologies and their possible development. We believe that our expectations have been fulfilled in this respect.
The second presentation delivered on Wednesday 11/09/2024 was included in the “Playful, open and collaborative library” block. She presented how our library platform ARL can support the openness and cooperation of libraries in various activities, based on a specific case study – the “National Design Award” project. This is a prestigious national competition for young and professional designers, which is organized annually by the library of the Slovak Design Center in Bratislava. To facilitate and simplify the registration of competitors, the evaluation of judges and the display of the works themselves, it uses our ARL system specially adapted to their requirements. More information about this competition can be found at https://scd.sk/ncd/narodna-cena-za-dizajn-2024/.
We are glad that we could become the main partner of the conference again this year.
If you would be interested in the presentations in pdf format, please contact us!