Category Archives: News

New installation of selfcheck

Category : News

Further installation of RFID technology took place in Knihovna Kroměřížska in Kroměříž ( and in the University Library of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra ( A selfcheck was installed in both cases.

Archives, Libraries, Museums in the Digital World

Category : News

Cosmotron actively participated at this year’s 18th Conference of Archives, Libraries, Museums in the Digital World. Our colleague L. Piškula spoke about preparedness of KIS for GDPR. The presentation is available to everyone, if you are interested in it, contact us at

PF 2018

Category : News

Dear customers, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Installing RFID at Goethe Institute

Category : News

In the past few days, we have completed the delivery of RFID equipment for the Goethe Institute Library in Prague and Bratislava, by installing a Self Check Station Smartserve 1000. The library now uses full RFID equipment including workstations and security gates.

Outdoor Book Drop Container in Hodonín

Category : News

At the end of October, we delivered and installed an Outdoor Book Drop Container for the Municipal Library in Hodonín. Its unusual installation “into the window” required the interplay of several craftsmen.

Knihovny současnosti 2017

Knihovny současnosti 2017

Category : News

The standard of the seminar was very high, and there were plenty of useful information for either librarians and LIS creators there.
Cosmotron contributed to the seminar with two presentations: “There is still something going on (Digital Chronicle)” and “GDPR and LIS”. Both presentations are available within the customer wiki.

RFID a EM technology

RFID a EM technology

Category : News

We have updated lists of products on our RFID and EM technologies web pages.
We offer the possibility of a personal consultation, and creating a user defined list of these technologies on demand.



Category : News

On 9-10 June 2017, we took part in symposium, workshops, expositions, etc, organized by SĽUK – Folk Expo 2017. A new portal for accessing cultural and digital objects was also introduced at the seminar.
The portal was created for SĽUK by Cosmotron on the ARL platform.

Seminary ARL 2017

Seminary ARL 2017

Category : News

This year’s seminar ARL is imminent! Invitations were sent out and we are looking forward to meeting you during presentations, debates … and also during celebrating Cosmotron’s 25th anniversary.



Category : News

Our colleagues from RFID department traveled to Switzerland last week, to the headquarters of the Bibliotheca company. They attended annual performance and training of new company products. Customers will be informed about the news, among other things, during the ARL seminar in May.



Events / conferences

There are no upcoming events.