Category Archives: News

Seminar of Bibliotheca vendors

Seminar of Bibliotheca vendors

Category : News

From 30 September to 1 October Prague hosted a regular meeting of Bibliotheca vendors from all over the world. As the seminar’s co-organizers, we introduced to the participants our complete delivery of RFID technology through an excursion in the National Technical Library, which garnered great acclaim. The aim of the seminar was the presentation of new technologies and equipment, and how to utilize them.

Librarian Barcamp in Slovakia

Librarian Barcamp in Slovakia

Category : News

We support the emerging librarian Barcamp in Slovakia not only with sponsorship. Its aim is to present innovative ideas, new technologies and creating the potential for the formation of working groups and projects. To connect the communities of progressive young librarians with other communities dealing with literary culture, IT and management.

Book container in Holic

Category : News

Another customer, who decided to take advantage of the box to return books, is this time from our neighboring town on the other side of Moravia – City Library Holic. The installation took place in mid-September.

Self-return machine for UTB Zlín

Self-return machine for UTB Zlín

Category : News

The delivery and installation of a self-return machine with a sorting unit will happen at the Library of Tomas Bata Univeristy in Zlin in the upcoming days. This will be our third installation of this equipment in the Czech Republic.

Seminar ARL 2014

Seminar ARL 2014

Category : News

ARL seminar will take place in Hodonin on 30.-31. October this year. Further details regarding organization and the content of the seminar will be sent out to customers in due time.

RFID technology in Pardubice

RFID technology in Pardubice

Category : News

Currently, we are completing implementation of the project for the installation of RFID technology in the Regional Library in Pardubice. According to the requirements of the tendering procedure, that we won, RFID gate, workstations, selfchecks and inventory unit were delivered to the library.

Workshop EPCA

Workshop EPCA

Category : News

A workshop on the issue of processing Evidence of publications and activities will be held on 12 June 2014. All our customers using the EPCA module have been contacted with the offer of participation. The interest has exceeded the capacity of educational spaces, which on one hand we regret as we could not accommodate everyone interested, but on the other hand, it pleases us and motivates us to organize many more such workshops in the future.

Learn (to) quote

Learn (to) quote

Category : News

We would like to contribute to the promotion of the just released book regarding issues with citations and plagiarism Learn (to) quote, whose co-author is our external colleague, Zuzana Teplíková. The book is suitable for both students and librarians and provides guidance on how to cite. More on

SMS gateway

SMS gateway

Category : News

Our customers can take advantage of our offer to use their own (cosmo) text message gate, through which they can send their readers informative texts (reminders, approaching expiration of reader’s card, expiration of loan, held reservations and so on). This saves money and improves the quality of service provided to their readers.

e-Book loans

e-Book loans

Category : News

A new functionality enabling e-book loans is prepared for the aRL system. It was designed in cooperation with The Research Library of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, which has contractual agreement with the publisher of electronic books Further information can be obtained from the service department.



Events / conferences

There are no upcoming events.