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Architecture and role of libraries in the present

Date: 19. 11. 2019

Time: 15:00

Location: MK Písek

Events / Conferences

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Bibliotheca Antiqua

Start date: 13. 11. 2019

End date: 14. 11. 2019

Location: Olomouc

Events / Conferences

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KRECon 2019: Open Access – Seeking balance

Start date: 7. 11. 2019

End date: 8. 11. 2019

Location: NTK Prague

Events / Conferences

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12th edition of the Conference on Gray Literature and Repositories

Date: 17. 10. 2019

Location: Prague

Events / Conferences

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Start date: 6. 10. 2019

End date: 10. 10. 2019

Location: Plzen region - will be determined

Events / Conferences

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Today’s libraries

Start date: 10. 9. 2019

End date: 12. 9. 2019

Location: Olomouc

Events / Conferences

Attendance: N. Andrejčíková, J. Klimeš, K. Pospíšilová

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Electronic Libraries Services

Date: 10. 9. 2019

Location: Zlín

Events / Conferences

Attendance: L. Orság

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43. Seminar of Librarians of Museums and Galleries AMG

Start date: 3. 9. 2019

End date: 5. 9. 2019

Location: Opava

Events / Conferences

Attendance: T. Teplík, K. Pospíšilová

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85th IFLA WLIC conference

Start date: 24. 8. 2019

End date: 30. 8. 2019

Location: Greece, Athens

Events / Conferences

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10. SKIP General Assembly and Library Architecture Conference

Start date: 13. 6. 2019

End date: 14. 6. 2019

Location: Prague

Events / Conferences


Events / conferences

There are no upcoming events.